文件类型:Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet
Macro-enabled spreadsheet created by Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet program; contains worksheets of cells arranged by rows and columns as well as embedded macros programmed in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language; saved in the Open XML format introduced in Microsoft Office 2007.XLSM files are .XLSX files, but with macros enabled; they may be opened with Excel 2007 or later, or by previous versions of Excel with Open XML component support; for security reasons, Excel does not enable macros by default.
Excel will not execute macros in XLSX files, even if they contain macro code; they must first be saved as XLSM files..xlsm打开.xlsm文件
Mac OS
Microsoft Excel 2008
Microsoft Excel 2007Corel WordPerfect Office X5
来源:. xlsm文件