文件类型:XFDL File
Extensible Forms Description Language (XFDL) file that uses XML to describe a structured, legally-binding business form; contains business form data including layout, business transaction details, inline mathematical and conditional expressions, and digital signatures; addresses business transaction needs for non-repudiation, auditability, security, and preservation of context.XFDL files were designed to create standardized and interchangeable business forms; they were adapted from the Universal Forms Description Language (UDFL) to include the XML format; they are used in business and government e-Commerce transactions.
IBM acquired PureEdge Solutions, the developer of the PureEdge Viewer program..xfdl打开.xfdl文件
Mac OS
IBM PureEdge Viewer
IBM PureEdge ViewerLotus Forms Viewer
Any text editor
来源:. xfdl文件