文件类型:OpenDocument Text Document
Text document created with Writer, the OpenOffice.org and StarOffice word processor; formatted using the OASIS OpenDocument XML-based standard.OpenDocument text files can be opened and edited with any OpenOffice-compatible program, including NeoOffice (Mac), AbiWord (Mac & Windows), and KWord (Unix); they can also be imported into Google Docs, Googles Web-based word processor and spreadsheet application..odt
Mac OS
OpenOffice.org WriterNeoOffice Writer
AbiSource AbiWord
Apple TextEdit
IBM Lotus Notes
OpenOffice.org WriterSun Microsystems Writer (included with StarOffice)
Corel WordPerfect Office X5
AbiSource AbiWord
Microsoft Word 2007 with OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in
IBM Lotus Notes
OpenOffice.org WriterSun Microsystems Writer (included with StarOffice)
KOffice KWord
AbiSource AbiWord
IBM Lotus Notes
来源:. odt文件