【dhutanga 】
This compound term is used only in the Com. The only place in the suttas where the first part, dhuta, is used in the above sense, is found in S. XIV. The names of the performers of these 13 ascetical exercises, however, are all mentioned in the suttas, but scattered here and there, for instance: pamsukúlika, a^ran~n~ika, pindapa^tika, eka^sanika, teci^varika, sapa^da^naca^ri^, sosa^nika, abhhoka^sika, nesajjika, yatha^santhatika, in M. 5, 113; A. V, 181-190, etc.; rukkhamúlika, khalupaccha^bhattika and pattapindika in A. V, 189f. etc.