文件类型1:Meta Media Video E-Mail File
Video file created with Meta Media software; may be exported from digital recording devices, such as video conferencing, video entertainment, video surveillance equipment, and web cams.Some Meta Media software programs allow video files to be shared via e-mail; these files are exported in the VEM format, which is why VEM files are often seen as e-mail attachments.
Since the VEM format is a proprietary video format, VEM video files can only be played with Meta Media Video Player (mmvem.exe).
Mac OS
Meta Media Video PlayerLinux
文件类型2:Virtual Expander Compressed File
File compressed with Sonys Virtual Expander utility, a file compression and decompression program included on Sony Micro Vault flash drives.NOTE:
Files compressed with Virtual Expander are saved in the VirtualExpander_WW folder; when viewing the files directly in the folder, they may have the same filename and extension as the original uncompressed file; to decompress a file in the VirtualExpander_WW folder, simply drag it out of the folder and it will automatically be decompressed.打开.vem文件
Mac OS
Sony Virtual ExpanderLinux
来源:. vem文件