文件类型:Linden Lab Mesh File
扩展名为.llm的文件是一个3D 图像文件。文件说明:
Linden Lab Mesh (LLM) file used by Second Life, a network-based virtual reality world; contains a 3D mesh definition as a collection of polygons that form the surface of an avatar; used to render a 3D avatar and create texture wrappings.LLM files are created in one of two mesh definition formats, base format or level of detail (LOD) format; base meshes contain the original mesh definition, and LOD meshes contain alternate meshes in a decreasing resolution that are used when the avatar is far from the camera.
LLM files are also called Linden Binary Mesh files..llm
Mac OS
Linden Research Second LifeWindows
Linden Research Second LifeLinux
Linden Research Second Life其它内容
来源:. llm文件